Experienced Prive Detective

About Us

As a private detective agency, we specialize in investigations related to alimony and infidelity. In alimony investigations, we aim to gather evidence that your ex-partner is cohabitating with a new partner or has a change in income, which may result in reduced or no alimony payments. In infidelity investigations, we collect evidence of potential extramarital affairs, while also considering the possibility of disproving your suspicions if no infidelity is found.

QUSO BV holds a license from the Ministry of Justice, and all our private detectives possess the required qualifications. This ensures that our investigation reports have been of crucial value in many instances. Throughout the private detective investigation, you will be kept informed by your dedicated contact person at HJH Prive Detective. Additionally, HJH Prive Detective compiles all findings into a comprehensive report, which has often been influential in legal proceedings.

This website solely focuses on our private detective services for individuals. However, we also offer various services for businesses through our website: Bedrijfsrecherche-HJH, as well as through our general website for Prive Detective.

Our Core Values

Built on Trust and Professionalism


We prioritize the utmost discretion in all our investigations, ensuring the privacy and peace of mind of our clients.


We maintain high standards of professionalism and excellence in every aspect of our work, delivering accurate and reliable results.


Our clients rely on us to provide them with dependable and trustworthy information, backed by comprehensive investigations.

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